A Seminole County resident, Sean Hurley, has been awarded a substantial compensation of over $20 million after a harrowing traffic collision with an Orange County deputy. The incident, which took place on a fateful day on November 15, 2019, resulted in life-altering injuries for Hurley, changing the course of his life.

Initial Settlement Offer

Before the trial commenced, the defense had put forth a settlement offer of $250,000 to Hurley, a sum that now seems minuscule in comparison to the jury’s verdict. The jury, after careful deliberation, granted Hurley a total of $20,839,757 in damages, recognizing the profound impact of the accident on his life.

Details of the Accident

According to detailed accounts from Hurley’s legal team at Morgan & Morgan, Hurley, a vibrant individual of 29 years at the time, was enjoying a ride on his motorcycle in Seminole County. The tranquility of his ride was abruptly disrupted when Deputy Orrizzi of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department made a rash decision, pulling into oncoming traffic. This violation of Hurley’s right of way led to a catastrophic collision, the repercussions of which Hurley continues to endure.

Consequences of the Collision

The physical and emotional toll of the accident on Hurley has been immense. He underwent eight major surgeries, facing grueling recovery periods after each. Today, he lives with a permanent disability, with one of his legs being shorter than the other. This condition not only necessitates the use of specialized footwear but also serves as a constant reminder of that tragic day. His attorneys have emphasized that the road ahead is long, with Hurley requiring continuous medical care, therapy, and monitoring for the foreseeable future.

Attorney’s Statement

Ryan Rudd, a dedicated attorney representing Hurley from Morgan & Morgan, shed light on the resilience and determination Hurley displayed during his recovery. He recounted the numerous challenges Hurley faced, from relearning basic activities like walking to battling bouts of despair. Rudd expressed profound gratitude towards the jury for recognizing the long-term implications of the accident on Hurley’s life and ensuring that justice prevailed.

Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s Response

In the immediate aftermath of the accident, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department adopted a defensive stance, denying any negligence on the deputy’s part and placing the onus on Hurley. They also raised doubts about the direct correlation between the accident and the severity of Hurley’s injuries. In light of the recent verdict, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office released a statement indicating their intent to revisit the case, hinting at the possibility of filing a motion for a new trial.