Standup Ryan Clark From OC Prefers Passion To Profit

The preferred artistic expression form of standup Ryan Clark usually involves creating something interesting out of some useless materials before an audience that expects laughs. Clark is an individual who performs stand-up comedy on weekends for the Improv Shmimprov troupe based in Fullerton.

Clark is familiar with performing before an audience that is hostile or in a different mood. Clark acquired initial experience as a bassist for several bands, including Homesick Abortions. Then, he yielded to a greater urge of being a court jester. Recently, Clark talked to OC Weekly columnist Brad Logan about jobs, comedy and having the form of life that he always wished to have. Here are some excerpts from the interview for OC Weekly.

Clark On Who He Is And Why He Wishes To Do What He Does

Clark introduced himself as an addict with a powerful desire for the appreciation and approval of viewers. The desire acts as a drug, which has not only made him skip momentous moments of loved ones but has also ruined his relationships and cost him jobs. If Clark does not perform in some way, he would become noticeably irritable. He does comedy to get enough of what he compulsively seeks. He considers it more of a state of being addicted and less of an ambition.

Clark On Whether He Can Earn A Living With Comedy

Clark said that he has not been capable of earning a living performing what he loves. A part of him waits for it to be a reality one day. He has had an array of employment positions, including white-collar and blue-collar jobs. He has also had a stable income at periods of his life that he regards as depressing. When working at Improv Shmimprov, Clark also worked for Uber as a side job. He considers it a depressing thing to do, but at least it was the case on his own terms.

When he dedicated his life largely to comedy, he was happier despite earning a small part of what he was making earlier. He occasionally thinks that earning money is only an activity for individuals who do not realize what they wish to do in their lives.

Clark On Whether There Is A Dissociation Between Being A Standup And What The Audience Views Him As

Clark said that an individual pursuing their passion is unlike them fantasizing about another person who has realized their passion. Clark remembered attending shows and feeling that the music group on stage had become successful as it was performing at California’s Troubadour nightclub. Little did Clark know that what that band made from the show perhaps went to the creation of band merchandise that would let it sell enough shirts.

Clark used to wish to earn recognition for his work from people on the street. At some level, he believes that has earned that recognition, a feeling that he considers cool. However, he does not think of it as a cool thing when driving for Uber and picking people up who have been to some of his shows. He feels similarly when encountering a teller at a bank who has been an admirer of his work and can tell that he lacks money in his account.

Clark said that he has achieved a few amazing things that he could reflect on with pride. However, he does not feel that he has become successful. Why? Because being an artist comes with a feeling of never having satisfaction with what one does. As for Clark, any artist who is worth watching perhaps does not like their work.